About Us
eDriftTrikes builds and sells high performance electric drift trikes and ebikes. We host corporate/private events as well as public events throughout the Bay Area, CA. Our mission is to promote the sport of drifting and enable a broad audience to experience the thrilling sensation of being “out of control while in control.”
Did you know?
Like many other Silicon Valley startup stories, eDriftTrikes was started in a garage!
Why do business with us?
We specialize in building electric drift trikes. All of the parts that we design in-house are manufactured here in the USA by professional fabrication shops. Our trikes have gone through many iterations because we drift our trikes hard and we drift them often! Likewise, our ebikes and their component sets are tested and QAed to extract maximum performance. Hosting local events allows us to test and validate our products with a large and diverse sample size. If a product is displayed in our shop, it’s because it’s survived through some serious abuse.

Customer Support & Community
When you make a purchase or ride with us at one of our events, you're not just getting a product or service - you're also getting our time. We dedicate this time to helping you. Whether it be providing online product documentation, offering live one-to-one tech support, providing return/warranty service, etc., you have our promise that we'll do our best to earn your satisfaction.
We have a dream... That one day, drift triking will be a mainstream sport that everyone can experience and enjoy. One of our goals is to help build up proper communities and get people together that love to drift in a safe & fun environment. Check out these Facebook groups and join the discussion!
© 2020 eDriftTrikes. All rights reserved. Made with California Love